I LOVE RIO yog ib tug kev nthuav qhia ntawm Rio de Janeiro nrog ib tug kev, kev lis kev cai thiab keeb kwm txhais lus ntawm tag nrho cov yam uas ua rau lub nroog zoo nkauj thiab cim lub pov haum hais tias nws yog hnub no.
Tsim los rau cov ob zoo tourism thiab nyob rau hauv-tob kev tshawb fawb, tus Portal yog ib tug virtual taug kev ua si nrog cov ntau cov ces kaum ntawm Rio ntawd, rau ib tug tsis muaj lub sij hawm los yog lub sij hawm, yuav tsis tau ncaj qha mus txog tej ntawm feem ntau ntawm cov neeg tuaj saib, uas lawv mus nrhiav tau thaum qhov ntev ntawm lub nroog.
Lub ILOVERIO.comlub vas sab yog ib feem ntawm qhov kuv I LOVE RIO portfolio ntawm cov khoom, txhua siv ib tug txawv mus kom ze rau txhawb thiab nrhiav cov duab thiab cov fascinating kab lis kev cai ntawm Rio de Janeiro, lub nroog thiab lub xeev.
Ntaub ntawv thiab kev pab tswv yim rau ib co ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws tours, mus ua si, hikes, thiab me ntsis paub jewels nyob ib ncig ntawm Rio de Janeiro nroog thiab xeev yog pw liab qab rau cov txawj nyeem ntawv thiab cov neeg tuaj xyuas. Kuv I LOVE RIO theem ncauj lus kom ntxaws thiab tshwj xeeb cov tswv yim yuav ua li cas kom zoo tshaj plaws kev txaus siab rau ntau haiv neeg ua hauj lwm - roob, ntug hiav txwv dej, chaw ua si, thiab tshaj. Los ntawm lub zoo meej yees duab lub sij hawm, rau lwm rau ib tug rainy hnub, raws li tau zoo raws li cov chav kawm ntawv thiab excursions. Lub Portal cog lus rau kev muab cov feem ntau exciting, kev lom zem thiab kev invigorating kev mus rau lub nroog lub tourists, nrog rau cov lus qhia txog yuav ua li cas mus cuag ib feem ntawm Rio, thiab mus qhov twg nrhiav tau qhov zoo tshaj plaws ntawm cov.
I LOVE RIO yog passionate txog kab lis kev cai, thiab zoo nkaus li mus them rau cov nuj ntawm artistic creativity uas glitters thoob plaws hauv lub nroog. Rio lub repertoire ntawm tsoos kab lis kev cai yog qhia ntxiv txog cov, nrog rau zaj duab xis festivals, ua yeeb yam productions, kos duab miv, thiab seev cev qhia. Artistic ces los ntawm siab kawg ua yeeb yam rau favela treasures yog showcased rau cov txawj nyeem ntawv, ntxiv ntau dua kev ntxhib los mos mus rau lub nroog lub lis kev cai duab. Lub vas sab meej lub txhua hnub recreations ntxiv vibrancy thiab cov ua cim rau lub nroog, los ntawm lub vauj ya mus rau graffiti kos duab, seev cev chav kawm mus rau cim Carioca kab zauv, tus cwj pwm thiab mannerisms.
Khoom noj khoom haus yog ib tug central feem ntawm cov tapestry ntawm Carioca kab lis kev cai, ua si ib tug tseem ceeb luag hauj lwm nyob rau hauv tsev neeg lub neej thiab kev sib raug kev sib tshuam, thiab ua tim khawv rau hauv lub historic evolution ntawm lub nroog. Gastronomic jewels ntawm tuav, khw nojmov thiab noj hmo ntxhuav sawv cev rau ib tug nplua nuj, kev sim thiab kev zoo siab txais tos haiv neeg. Kuv I LOVE RIO uncovers ib co ntawm cov finest cuisine tau txais kev pab ntawm cov khw nojmov thoob plaws lub nroog, los ntawm affluent zej zog rau favelas. Lub keeb kwm thiab kev loj hlob ntawm ntsiab Carioca tais diav yog khaws sib nrug thiab qhia alongside privileged sab know-yuav ua li cas thiab lub tswv yim.
txoj kev ua neej
Lub nroog ntawm Rio tau los ua ib tug thoob ntiaj teb pioneer nyob rau hauv nws cog lus rau ce, noj qab haus huv thiab kev puas hlwb zoo-qab. Kuv I LOVE RIO uncovers muaj zog regimes, recreations, lub tswv yim thiab hom kev kawm, los ntawm Carioca jogging rau sab hauv tsev thiab sab nraum zoov gyms, yoga, meditation, thiab qhov tseeb noj haus tswv yim thiab tiam sis. Dab dej sov, retreats, tshuaj thiab kev tu no yog tshawb, nqa cov pej xeem thiab cov neeg tuaj xyuas tej ntug kev pom mus rau hauv yuav ua li cas cob qhia thiab tsim ob lub cev thiab lub siab. Kuv I LOVE RIO kab kos lub nrov tendencies uas tshwm sim tawm lub hnub rau ib hnub make-up ntawm Carioca lub neej.
txoj kev ua neej
Nto moo thoob plaws lub ntiaj teb rau lub cim, muaj zog thiab kev expansive music nws tau muab yug mus, Rio tseem yog ib tug ntawm cov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws lub zos rau txoj kev loj hlob thiab nthuav tawm ntawm cov laus thiab cov tshiab yam. Lub Portal txog ib qho tseem ceeb epochs nyob rau hauv lub nroog lub no: suab paj nruas keeb kwm, showcasing qub thiab tshiab txuj ci thiab divulging ntaub ntawv hais txog classical concerts thiab qhia tau hais tias, festivals thiab ob tog nyob rau hauv samba, forró, jazz, chorinho, maracatu, thiab ntau npaum li cas. Suab paj nruag yog ib qho tseem ceeb ib feem ntawm Carioca kab lis kev cai, permeating txhua nam ntawm lub neej nyob rau hauv lub nroog.
Cov sov kev nyab xeeb, kev hlub rau suab paj nruag, Cariocas 'innate sociability thiab lawv predilection rau cov kev lom zem ntawm lub neej tau ua los ntawm Rio ib qho ntawm feem cim thiab edifying chaw rau hmo ntuj revelry. Kuv I LOVE RIO cua los ntawm lub siab kub lug cheeb tsam tsev ntawm lub nroog, nce nws toj thiab nkag mus rau nws tuav los ntawm yuav luag tsaus ntuj mus kaj ntug rau coj cov txawj nyeem ntawv cov ntaub ntawv hauv feem ntau nthuav zaug yav hmo ntuj recreations. Snooker tuav, pob zeb qws, samba hmo, txoj kev parades, tog thiab carnival rehearsals yog unearthed, nrog rau cov sophisticated, kab txawv thiab buzzing tuav - khoom noj khoom haus, cov dej, suab paj nruag thiab cov neeg yus pab.
Cov feem ntau cov tawm thiab kawm khaub ncaws rau cov txiv neej thiab cov poj niam nyob rau hauv Rio de Janeiro uas hais - muab kev pom mus rau hauv qhov tseeb tiam sis nyob rau hauv cov ris tsho rau lub chaw ua hauj lwm, tog, kev ua si, tej xwm txheej, txhua hnub recreations thiab lub puam. Lub keeb kwm kev loj hlob ntawm thoob ntiaj teb thiab lub teb chaws style tiam sis yog muab ib tug zoo-nyob rau hauv los yug cov txawj nyeem ntawv nrog ib tug kev txiav txim zoo ntawm cov kev sib raug thiab kev nom kev tswv tseem ceeb ntawm cov kos duab rau daim ntawv. Los ntawm gowns thiab sib foob rau bikinis thiab ua luam dej trunks, ib tug catwalk ntawm style cov tswv yim yog ntim thiab tauj mus rau cov txawj nyeem ntawv los pab lawv reinvigorate lawv wardrobe thiab to taub cov Carioca aesthetic.
kev ua si
Cariocas hlub ua si nawv - los ntawm football rau paragliding, thiab txhua yam nyob rau hauv nruab nrab. Txhua puam, hav zoov thiab lub cev ntawm cov dej nyob rau hauv Rio attests rau lub fact tias Cariocas yog nyob rau hauv lub midst ntawm ib tug enduring hlub-yi nrog kev ua si nawv thiab muaj zog. Kuv I LOVE RIO txog cov ntaus pob ncaws pob recreations ntawm lub roob, ntug hiav txwv dej, cov hiav txwv thiab huab cua, muab tswv yim thiab lub tswv yim yuav ua li cas kom tau muab kev koom tes, raws li tau zoo raws li fascinating dab neeg thiab exposes. Kev cob qha cov thiab populist kev ua kis las them alongside niaj hnub tiam sis xws li slack-hauv ob sab phlu thiab sawv-up duav, raws li tau zoo raws li cov lus qhia txog hikes, cov chav kawm, lub zos pab pawg, gyms thiab kev sib tw txheej xwm.
kev ua si
keeb kwm
Rio tsib Janeiro lub keeb kwm yog tshwj xeeb tshaj yog nplua nuj, ntau yam kev thiab multi-cultural. Kuv I LOVE RIO unpicks rau hauv thaum ntxov loj hlob ntawm tej kab ke thiab kev coj, lub sij hawm tuaj txog ntawm cov kawm thiab kev lis kev cai los ntawm ib ncig lub ntiaj teb no thiab cov me nyuam yug ntawm lub nroog lub landmarks. Nws muab fascinating ntaub ntawv hais txog cov evolution ntawm zej zog, hauv keeb kwm ntawm festivals, tog, lwm yam, televisions shows thiab khaub ncaws, raws li tau zoo raws li evocative snapshots ntawm yav dhau los, los ntawm cov laus kas fes plantations ntawm lub xyoo pua puv 19 mus rau lub festivities ntawm thaum ntxov 20th xyoo pua thiab lub musically effervescent 1970 thiab 80 lub.
keeb kwm
ua lag ua luam
Paub ntawm Rio lub loj hlob kev tseem ceeb rau lub ntiaj teb no kev ua lag luam, lub Portal muaj ntau ntau yam ntawm cov ntaub ntawv hais txog lub nroog kev khwv nyiaj txiag, tsim rau cov lag luam neeg, ua lag luam thiab economists. Yuav kom nce to taub thiab paub txog tau tej tswv yim yuav ua li cas rau kev ua lag ua luam thiab koom nrog rau hauv zos ua lag luam kab lis kev cai yog muab. Nthuav industries thiab lub zos qhauj yog positioned chaw nyob ntev, thaum lub tswv yim, hom kev kawm thiab pab tau hu rau bourgeoning ua lag luam thiab businessman yog qhia.
ua lag ua luam
Zaum cia li hla Rio lub Bay yog nws tus niam hluas-nroog, Niterói. Raws li ib feem ntawm kuv I LOVE RIO lub project broaden khiav rau tus nplua nuj kev cai thiab kev touristic offering ntawm lub xeev ntawm Rio, lub Portal tshuaj xyuas nyob rau hauv kom meej rau txhua yam kev Niterói landmark catalog. Golden, secluded ntug hiav txwv dej, architecture, puas, cinemas, chaw ua si, tours, sensational views, khw nojmov, theaters, ntaus pob ncaws pob sib tw thiab kev recreations, raws li tau zoo raws li flashbacks tseem ceeb epochs nyob rau hauv lub cheeb tsam li keeb kwm, squarely position Niterói rau ntawm lub plawv ntawm lub xeev cov scenic, lis kev cai thiab kev txawj ntse milieu.
lub xeev
Recognizing the importance and the synergic relationship between the capital and the dozens of cities that dot the state, I LOVE RIO provides eye-opening information about the cities, districts and communities that lie outside the famous neighborhoods. All crevices and corners of the state are explored in the pursuit of hidden cultural, gastronomic and social gems. I LOVE RIO explores the historical development and beautiful landscapes of regions, revealing the important and unique role that each plays in the overall fabric of the state.
lub xeev
Kuv I LOVE RIO duab no cim, thiab yuav tsis muaj nyob rau hauv lwm yam ntawv. Ces kaum, teeb pom kev zoo, kev kawm thiab muaj pes tsawg leeg yuav ua tib zoo xaiv los xyuas kom meej tias txhua daim duab yog yus thiab captures ib tug nam ntawm lub nroog nyob rau hauv ib tug laj siab lub teeb. Lub xeev ntawm cov kos duab khoom yog siv thoob plaws hauv cov txheej txheem, los tsim cov dluab ntawm lub siab tshaj plaws zoo. Underpinning lub yees duab philosophy ntawm kuv I LOVE RIO yog ib tug tsav mus ntes tus sib raug zoo ntawm cov neeg thiab tej qhov chaw. Qhov chaw thiab tus kheej yaam puab paub yog inextricably txuas, raug lead lom rau nyhuv no: uas Rio lub stunning ua hauj lwm thiab hauv nroog xav muaj nyob rau hauv cov pej xeem thiab cov neeg tuaj xyuas.
Kuv I LOVE RIO yog advertised thooj plawv on-line thiab zos los ntawm siab visibility cov kev pab cuam thiab kev koom tes, xeeb nyeem paub tias yuav tsum xav nyob rau hauv lub ntsiab lus, style thiab philosophy ntawm kuv I LOVE RIO. Cov ntsiab cheeb tsam ntawm qee nyob rau hauv lub hospitality kev lag luam nyob rau hauv Rio de Janeiro xws li cov nto moo Zona Sul thiab qhov zoo nkauj Barra da Tijuca, nrog rau kev ua kom pom tseeb rau ntawm thaj av cov chaw thiab cov chaw ntiav pw. Lub ILOVERIO.comlub vas sab yog ib feem ntawm lub ntiaj teb no kuv I LOVE RIO portfolio ntawm khoom uas hais tias xws li cov nplua nuj thiab ib tug tho kev web Portal uas explores thiab re-xav txog lub nroog los ntawm ib tug dav ntawm pib kawm cov khoom, raws li tau zoo raws li phav phav ua tsis taus pa-kev duab.
xov xwm khoom siv
Lub Portal tus tshiab qauv thiab kev tsim qauv, yeej tsis tau ua ua ntej rau tej lwm lub zos nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no, yog nplua nuj nyob rau hauv cov ntsiab lus uas yooj yim yog siv, uas ua rau ib yam khoom ntawm lub siab tshaj plaws nyob rau theem thiab tus nqi rau ib tug ntau yam ntawm thoob ntiaj teb nyeem. Ib tug thoob plaws xaiv ntawm advertising kev sib koom tes yog muaj, xws li yooj yim banners Nkij los txuam rau Portal tus ntseeg cuav thaum ub thiab yees duab cov ntsiab lus, thiab multi-nplooj feature cov khoom. Lwm yam kev xaiv xws li muaj tswv yim offerings thiab tailor-made sib koom tes paub heev muaj txiaj ntsim audiences, txhawb nqa, thiab lub nroog raws li tag nrho. Cov nqi thiab muaj yog muab raws li advertisement loj, philosophy, thiab cov lus.
xov xwm